🌷"सचेत और सजग"🌷
अपने स्वभाव को पलटने में समय लगेगा।कठिनाईयां आएँगी।
हमारे इस प्रयत्न में 5 बड़े दुश्मन हैं, उन्हें पहचाने व् उनके प्रति सजग रहें।
🔴 पहला दुश्मन है राग,
दूसरा है द्वेष।
हम साधना कर रहें हैं राग और द्वेष निकालने की, लेकिन नासमझी में साधना करते करते राग और द्वेष में उलझने लगते हैं।
हमें अमुक अमुक संवेदना चाहिये, अमुक अमुक संवेदना नही चाहिये।
🔴 अन्य दो दुश्मन हैं- आलस्य और बैचनी।
साधना करते समय बड़ा आलस्य आने लगता है, नींद आने लगती है।
कभी कभी बड़ी बैचनी होती है। साधना में मन ही नही लगता।साधना के अलावा अन्य काम करने को जी चाहता है और साधक दिन भर अन्य प्रकार की प्रवर्ति में उलझा रहता है।
अन्य काम करेगा पर साधना नही करेगा।
🔴 पांचवा दुश्मन है संदेह।
मन में विचार उठते है कि यह क्या साधना है? सांस को देखो, फिर गर्मी को देखो, सर्दी को देखो।
इन्हे क्या देखें?
इस तरह मन में शंका होगी और साधना छूट जायेगी।
🌺इन पांचो दुश्मनो से बचें, सचेत और सजग होकर काम में लगे रहें।
🌷Hindrances, obstacles on the way🌷
5 strong enemies which try to overpower you and stop your progress.
🌷 1&2 ) Craving and Aversion.
The purpose of practicing Vipassana is to eliminate these two basic mental defilements, yet they may arise even while you meditate, and if they overwhelm the mind, the process of purification stops. You may crave for subtle sensations, or even for nibbana; it makes no difference.
Craving is a fire that burns, no matter what the fuel; it takes you in the opposite direction from liberation.
Similarly, you may start generating aversion towards the pain that you experience, and again you are off the track.
🌷 3) Laziness, drowsiness.
All night you slept soundly, and yet when you sit to meditate, you feel very sleepy. This sleepiness is caused by your mental impurities, which would be driven out by the practice of Vipassana, and which therefore try to stop you from meditating.
You must fight to prevent this enemy from overpowering you.
Breathe slightly hard, or else get up, sprinkle cold water on your eyes, or walk a little, and then sit again.
🌷 4) Agitation.
All day you run here and there, doing anything except meditation.
Afterwards, you realize that you have wasted time, and start crying and repenting.
But on the path of Dhamma there is no place for crying. If you make a mistake, then you should accept it in front of an elder in whom you have confidence, and resolve to be careful not to repeat the mistake in future.
🌷 5)Doubt.
Either about the teacher, or about the technique, or about one's ability to practice it.
Blind acceptance is not beneficial, but neither is endless unreasoning doubt.
So long as you remain immersed in doubts, you cannot take even one step on the path.
If there is anything that is not clear to you, do not hesitate to come to your guide.
Discuss the matter with him, and understand it properly.
If you practice as you are asked to, the results are bound to come.
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